Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What's around Harrison Street? What president came after Harrison?

Let's look at some stops at Harrison Street.

The streets start with Washington and go up towards Hollywood Blvd, with names of President.

What is the order of the names?

How many presidents between Washington and Harrison? 

Harrison is just before Hollywood Blvd, so who came after Harrison?

Tippecanoe and Tyler too...  Hmmmm  Maybe Zachary Tyler?

Hmmm, maybe we should review
the names of the presidents...

OOOps, there was Zachary TAYLOR... 

Why are there so many FRENCH names associated with restaurants?

What is a pole star?   Could it be a NORTH POLE?

See the Interseciton of Hollywoodand Vine Street in Hollywood, Calif.
... why is a Holocaust museum in a downtown area?

www.HDEC.org  <<<< worth a visit

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