Friday, November 4, 2016

How to get a badge under the Jessica Lundberg Act the JL Badge

I want to volunteer to give information in a school.

I received this information

I apologize for the delay in responding. I’ve recently been assigned several projects and haven’t had the time needed to pursue this. I would like to put you in touch with one of our media specialists who will work with you and her guidance counselor so that this information can be disseminated to their students. Once we get that going, hopefully we will be able to expand this project. However, I need to make sure you have a few things in place first. Of greatest importance, in order to work with our students, you must be Jessica Lunsford Badged. I’ve included links that may be helpful in that regard. I have also included a link to our Library Media Services page which has helpful information for self-published authors. In your case, I think the sections Registering as a Lobbyist and Becoming an Authorized Vendor with M-DCPS, are relevant.

Jessica Lundsford Information:

As a result of the passage of the Jessica Lunsford Act (HB 1877) during the 2005 legislative season, contracted personnel/vendors, including architects, are required to meet a Level 2 background screening requirement that includes any individual or employees of any firm under contract with the school board providing services on school grounds while students are present.

Definition of contractor/vendor
Any vendor, individual or entity under contract with a public school or school district, or employees of a non-instructional contractor or subcontractor, who receives payment for services or work performed for the school or school district.

Mandatory photo I.D. badge for contracted personnel/vendors to be worn when on school grounds
The 2013 Florida Legislature passed House Bill 21, regarding the background screening of non-instructional contractors/vendors. This act became effective July 1, 2013. This legislation creates the requirement for a uniform, statewide photo identification badge to be worn by non-instructional contractors/vendors when on school grounds. The badge is proof that the contractor/vendor has met the level 2 screening standards set forth in s. 1012.467, F.S.

How do I obtain a contractor/vendor photo I.D. badge?
If you are an approved vendor to provide services to Miami- Dade County Public Schools, and your work would require you to have access to any of our schools while students are present, then you will need to be fingerprinted and cleared through a level 2 process in order to obtain the contractor/vendor photo I.D. badge. If you already have a valid statewide contractor/vendor photo I.D. badge from another school district in Florida, then you will not need to be fingerprinted by Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

What are the next steps after I have been fingerprinted in order to obtain my contractor/vendor I.D. badge?

The Fingerprint Office will provide you with an Information Sheet detailing what are the next steps to be followed in this process.

Contact Information for the Jessica Lunsford Act
For questions regarding the Jessica Lunsford Act, please call Mr. Jorge E. Rubio, District Director, Employment and Staffing, at 305-995-7247.   RESULT:  "Elena Vargas"  and I left a message.   hooboy

For questions regarding the vendor application process, please contact Mr. Jorge Bombino, ERP Support, at 305-995-2646  RESULT:  NO VOICEMAIL ASSIGNED TO THIS PHONE NUMBER    or Christine Goolsarran, Procurement Specialist, at 305-995-4288.    
For questions regarding the fingerprint process for contractors/ vendors, please call Ms. Sigilenda Miles, Executive Director, Fingerprint Office at 305-995-7472.       

RESULT:  No answer  after 20 rings,  after 25 rings  "This is Nugur, Special Projects, can you hold please?" and I was put on hold.

Where to go:  transfer to the volunteer office
305 995 1445


Information For Self-Published Authors

Each school library media center collection is unique; therefore, collection development in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) is a school site-based decision. Material selection is based on the curricular and recreational reading needs of each school site. At each school, the library media specialist selects materials by reviewing professional evaluation sources, collaborating with teachers to support the school's instructional program and students' free choice reading interests. The Library Media Services department does not purchase materials for district-wide inclusion in school library media collections nor does it review materials to make recommendations to schools for collection development purposes. 

Submit Your Work for Review
School library media specialists (and public librarians) may buy hundreds or thousands of books a year from the several hundred thousand published annually. Because there's no way to read all the books, they rely on traditional reviewing sources and buy books that have been well reviewed. Additionally, library media specialists are tasked with acquiring materials that are appropriate for specific age groups and grade levels and that support the school's instructional program, so they focus on those materials that have good reviews. In order to have your materials be considered for inclusion in a school library collection, it is highly recommended that self-published authors have their work reviewed by established review sources.

Books are selected for their potential interest to a broad spectrum of libraries. Only a few areas of publishing fall outside LJ‘s scope: textbooks, children’s books, very technical or specialized works (particularly those directed at a professional audience), and books in languages other than English. We do, however, consider bilingual editions. Books previously published abroad are eligible if they are being released here for the first time and have a U.S. distributor.
We prefer to receive materials three to four months in advance of publication date since our primary goal is prepublication review (although our collection development and readers’ advisory forums allow for rich postpublication coverage‚ submission info below). We will accept bound galleys, bound page proofs, or bound manuscripts (only one copy is necessary). Those publishers (small houses) that cannot supply advance bound galleys may submit finished books, but these should be sent as early as possible with the words “In lieu of galleys” and the publication date affixed to the cover. We generally avoid reviewing books later than date of publication, though we do make exceptions for reference and heavily illustrated works‚ if F & Gs are not available, send the finished book as early as possible.
Address materials to:
Book Review Editor
Library Journal123 William St., Suite 802
New York, NY 10038
Include the following information: Author, title; name, address, and telephone number of publisher; date of publication; price; number of pages; and ISBN and LC numbers if available. Please indicate whether any illustrations, an index, or bibliography will be included; also include a brief description of the book, its intended audience, and information on the author’s background.
Library Journal Book Review is not able to confirm the receipt of galleysHowever, when it comes to lead titles (and lead titles only, please), you are welcome to contact via email the Book Review editor most likely to handle your book. In your message, make sure to indicate the title, author, publisher, and publication date.
The best way to determine if your book has been assigned for review is via our free LJ Review Alert email blast, which lists titles that are going to be reviewed in a given issue roughly six weeks before that issue publishes. LJ Review Alert also highlights recent Xpress Reviews and online collection development and readers’ advisory coverage (as showcased in our free, award-winning LJ Reviews e-newsletter).
If you have not seen your book listed in LJ Review Alert and cannot find it on our web site at the time of its publication, it was not chosen for review.
Books that fall into the following categories may still be reviewed up to three months after their publication date:
  • Reference
  • Coffee-table books that are heavily illustrated
  • Art books
  • Graphic Novels
  • Crafts and DIY
  • Library Science
  • Poetry
Please follow up review galleys with a copy of the bound book. Neither books nor galleys can be returned.

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