Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The war of "naps" -- How long is good for your health?

Do you remember the conflicting results from studies about "is coffee good for you or bad for you?" and "A little alcohol is good for you or bad for you"?  Now "the war of studies" is about naps.

The conclusion is A SHORT NAP (a power nap) is good for your health.

Here's a competing article.

Get the article


Sunday, June 19, 2016

What can an advertiser do?

I saw this ad.   It caught me in the first sentence.

youtube how far australia expedia  360

360 / How Far?  Australia / Expedia ad
How far would you go for the things you love?
How far would you venture out?
Would you climb a hill to see
them in their homes?
Would you brave the wild to feel them in your bones?
Would you cross the seas to see new things?
The light, the dark, the dirt
Would you capture them and bring them home?
to see what home is worth?
How far would you go for the sun you love,
beating on the sand?
Would you dive deep down into the depths of a stranger's land?
How are would you go for the things that make you wise?
Would you travel back into the past and see through someone else's eyes?
How far would you venture out?

Then I found these images when I typed in "for the things you love"

I love you enough to fight for you
Compromise for you
Sacrifice myself for you if need be

Enough to miss you incredibly when we’re apart
No matter what length of time it’s for
Regardless of the distance

Enough to believe in our relationship
To stand by it through the worst of times
To have faith in our strength as a couple
To never give up on us

Enough to spend the rest of my life with you
Be there for you when you need or want me
Never, ever want to leave you or live without you 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Some students simply add quickly. They don't multiply.

Here is a story about giving 3 apples to 10 people.

The punchline:   The student didn't understand what 30 percent means.   If you have 9 of 30 apples,. that would be 30%.

30 percent of 30 apples is 9 apples.

The student was having trouble with multiplying....


I'd like to see if a mobile app program can be found to help students who have basic math difficulties.

I made a mistake by asking students to try to multiply more quickly.
I advocate Math Workout, the free app.

Some of the students CAN'T multiply.   They don't    ....  They are ADDING REPEATEDLY.

When they are saying  5   10  15  20  25 30

They are ADDING, not reciting multiples.

Sunday, June 12, 2016 searches for articles online

An interesting thing happened.   When I signed up for a free account at, I was asked to show my previous published articles.

How about that!?

It's worth putting effort into getting an article published.

Look for free articles in (I was looking for a paper about Parkour).

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Steve McCrea (another one) writes about behavior in schools...

I found an interesting comment by Steve McCrea, Mad In America author.

I see that I have a lot of name-twins (250 Steve McCreas on Facebook).  

He makes some interesting points in his piece.

Find it here

then search the page for Steve McCrea's comment


Here's a useful reply


I failed the "no photos" test on Facebook. ... I believe that photos are so "20th Century" and we're now creating digital video collections.

Someone started a "no photos on Facebook" test... and I failed it.

I recall Jack Latona telling me that 

-- Chinese letters or ideograms are based on pictures
-- we appear to be devolving away from literacy to "communicating with pictures and sounds"

Click here for the free JC Speech book

I bet you will notice the link better if a photo is next to the link... or even better if there is a VIDEO next to the link.

Click to get to the Reunion

Facebook just helps with the emoticons and alternatives to "like".

If you look at the books I've assembled, some have a lot of photos, just because.   See the trip to Vaison.  The idea is to prompt you to go to Vaison la Romaine or at least contact the author of the photos, JK McCrea, and discuss the town.

The next evolution of School Yearbooks will be portfolios of videos, collections of videos made by students and uploaded to Youtube for safekeeping.  Thank you, Google, for helping us maintain our memories and appreciate each other's accomplishments.

This is the result when I typed in
"everyone is here Steve McCrea"
See the Portfolios that students will create.  Tony Wagner says that All students need digital portfolios, so a school or a teacher who wants to help kids advance will help them put their work on the Internet.

When it's time for a school reunion, why not bring out the Digital Yearbook -- made with videos, not just photos.

Click on these links below and see if you like the photos that are on the pages of the free ebooks that you can download.


see the book on Amazon

Click here for the free JC Speech book

I bet you noticed this link better since a photo is next to the link... or even better if there is a VIDEO next to the link.

See the free ebook  

Steve McCrea, Tutor                  (954) 646 8246
SKYPE  SteveEnglishTeacher and get lots of free posters
see "katie gimbar  why i flipped my class"  on youtube
Call me to ...
1)  Find out how you can help absent students keep up with school work (using video)
2)  How to help students review  school work by using blogs and video....

Projects   video about projects    links to free ebooks


Personal History WORKBOOK        
"happy teacher" is "好好老" (Gongfu thinks this is better than "愉快老")   It is pronounced "gaoxinglaoshi"  or gau shi  lao  shu
As Zig Ziglar says "You can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want."
"Quality is everyone's responsibility."  W Edwards Deming
"Learning should be fun for the learner."  -- Dr. Abraham S. Fischler
former head of Nova Southeastern University  for his commentaries

Did you click when you saw the video?

I bet you noticed this link better Now that there is a VIDEO next to the link.

Clicking on the Google Doodle helps us learn "something new every day"

There was an earlier film animator who created silhouette animation films... her name was Lotte.

See this video.


I learned about her life and her work by clicking on the animated Google Doodle for June 2.