Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

A reminder to push away negative thoughts

a series of reminders from a short video from the Power of Positivity

A sweet casa in Spain -- for pilgrims

Apparently there is a generous spirit in a house called Casa Fernanda

P.S.Just to get it a bit straight. Fernanda doesn't "ask" for a donativo, although of course they have expenses. (Jacinto's homemade wine is worth it regardless...) Her philosophy is that those who can will and those who can't will benefit from those who will and can. The "Donation thing" (a cardboard wine container never left on the table unless a pilgrim does it),is actually rarely inspected and there hangs a tale.
Last year, I was having trouble. The debit card which should have money in it, didn't, and I didn't have a PIN number for the other (which didn't have much more - that's my life as a novelist! Dan Brown? Hah!!!) Getting gasoline was clearly going to be problematic. Fernanda didn't hesitate. Off the shelf came the cylinder, out came 50 euros (es sufficiente? She said, with more in hand...). Nothing was even said about repayment. I did, of course.
Sainthood...Santa Fernanda del Lugar del Corto...for what it is worth from the Happy Heretic, Tracy 
She will always be that to me...
(and can't wait to be closer to my Portuguese family...!)

Saturday, July 23, 2016

"Tomorrow" the Documentary is recommended by a nephew in France

Highly recommended by my nephew who lives in France

As mankind is threatened by the collapse of the ecosystems, Cyril, Mélanie, Alexandre, Laurent, Raphäel and Antoine, all in their thirties, explore the world in search of solutions that can save their children, and with them, future generations. Using the most successful experiments in every area (agriculture, energy, habitat, economy, education, democracy…) they try to put back together the puzzle which may tell a new story of the future.

I found some interesting videos today: a Flipped Channel (where a guidance counselor gives information), and a "Med School for the Public" by a doctor. I recommend Austin Kleon (steal like an artist), Dr. Barrett's video about portfolios and a collection place called

Here's a flipped channel (a lecture that lets the students learn the information BEFORE the class).

I like this as a way to introduce websites to students.
I want to learn about this West Virginia Wizard!

Instead of telling students to "go to these websites", the guidance counselor shows the materials and says "this is where you can get more information."   Ah ha!   I like what I see and I want to get more.

I've asked the person to explain HOW he created his channel creations.  His videos are engaging!

Here's a Med School for the public.    


I also found a lecture by Helen Barrett that shows the books that she has read.  It's a clever technique:  
a) she read the books
b) she made posters about information in the books
c) she included the posters in her talk
and now people have learned about these books and their authors and how SOCIAL MEDIA is a form of "BUILDING A PORTFOLIO" (since we are constantly recommending sites and videos that we have seen, we are building a list of our experiences that future employers can watch ... and learn about us).

My niece found this list of suggestions
for studying.  HELPFUL
The video by Austin Kleon shows some pieces from his book STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST, which is highly helpful for decorating bathrooms.  I took 10 posters from his book and hung them in a bathroom.    My students liked reading the posters.

Another reminder about theimportance of electronic portfolios

Portfolios gather together information
that we find valuable....and then we recommend
the information to others...
Hey, that sounds like social media.
Dr. Helen Barrett at a TEDx

Go to the video

Here's a free course about creative
ePortfolios using GOOGLE SITES

This is a new way of making a collection (like Pinterest)
and then sharing the collection.  It's called

This is a good slogan

This is one of the channels that I follow on

Here are some posters from Kleon's books

SHOW YOUR WORK by Austin Kleon

Go ahead and CLICK ... Click ... Click...


Dr. Barrett talks about social media and portfolios at TEDx
Austin Kleon likes to Steal Like an Artist

How can we use technology to teach teachers to teach culture in language classes?
Create a culture in a university

The Technology for a "culture of making and maintaining ePortfolios in a university"   ...