Monday, September 15, 2014

Dan Pink has written some useful books...

Here are three tips about how to "get into" a book.
(1) Go to YouTube to listen to some talks by the author
(2)  Look at the wikipedia article for the author.  For example, look up Dan Pink
(3)  Go to the author's website
(4)  Look for free ebooks and samples that the author has posted on the Internet  Flip by Dan Pink

Here is a summary about Dan Pink's books that a teacher put together:

Click here for part 1

Click here for part 2

To Sell Is Human
"motivational interviewing"
ask two irrational questions
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is "I'm ready to clean my room...."
How ready are you to clean your room?
Answer:  I'm a two.

Why didn't you pick a lower number?  (this is the irrational question)
Why didn't you pick a one?

What can we do to make you a ten?
"Maybe if you help me..."  Find out what the obstacle is.

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